The Western Sahara Research Group, developed in collaboration between Andrea Mensi (Bocconi University/University of Lugano), Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law) and João Francisco Diogo (NOVA School of Law), gathers a large and varied group of scholars from different countries and backgrounds interested in the question of Western Saharan self-determination. This diverse group of scholars and perspectives aims at shedding new light on an old problem by analysing it from different perspectives, from traditional topics in International Law such as the principle of self-determination, sovereignty over natural resources, use of force and international humanitarian law, to fresh perspectives from European Union Law, Geopolitics and International Relations. At this stage, the main objective of the group would be to call an international conference with all the scholars interested in participating in this research group in order to kick-off in depth discussions, not only on the papers presented in the conference, but also on potential new avenues of research that may emerge from the interaction between different perspectives on this topic. The Western Sahara Research Group is a purely academic research group, centred on the legal aspects and ramifications of this old question and without any interests on the potential political outcomes of this question.